Monday, September 26, 2011

What I Really Want You to Know

A recent article on titled "What Teachers Really Want You to Know" has been circulating like wildfire with claims from "award winning" teacher Ron Clark that parents need to back off and let teachers do their jobs. He professes that parents need to stop making excuses for their children and trust teachers to educate them. Although there is much in the article that I agree with, it is the tone of his words that makes me a bit uncomfortable. Why is he on the attack against the very people with whom he needs to establish a relationship? Below are the top three things I really want parents to know:

1. We love your children. It's true.  We would do anything to help them reach their potential. We certainly can never take your place, but when they are with us we treat them like our own.

2. We want you to assume good. Your trust is vital to our success. When your child comes home with a story about something that happened at school, be a "speed bump" and a "deep sea diver". By that I mean, slow them down and dig for the truth. Contact us to discover what is really going on.

3. Let your children make mistakes and don't make excuses for them. The best lessons in life come from experience. When your child misbehaves or does poorly on a test, believe it or not, we STILL think you are good parents. 

It is in working together that we create the best experience for your children.

My best,


Saturday, September 3, 2011

Welcome to a New School Year

It is with great excitement that we enter the 2011-2012 school year in Constitution. I hope to use this blog to stay in touch with the families in the Lower School. It is just another way we can keep the Academy Triangle strong! I will try to update the blog twice a month or when I have special news to share. Sometimes it will just be information about upcoming events, and other times it will be tips and helpful advice for parents of Constitution scholars. This blog is NOT meant to replace the school calendar, the newsletter, or messages from your child's teacher. It is simply just another way for me to stay in touch with the families of BA. Looking forward to a great school year!