Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Homework Tips

It's true... homework can be a hassle. Here are four of my favorite homework tips that have served me well as the parent of three children:

1. Don't take over. If your child is struggling with an assignment, resist taking the pencil from his hand to "demonstrate" for him. Instead, try having him explain to you how he thinks he might be able to work through it. Once you take the pencil, you send the message that your child is not capable of doing it on his own. If you must demonstrate, use your own pencil and paper rather than the student's.

2. Avoid saying "wrong". Nothing halts a child's thought process quite like the word "wrong". Try using phrases like "You need to re-think this answer" or "I know what you are thinking but that is not going to work". Phrasing it as a question can help, too. Try "Why do you think this is correct?" or "Can you explain your thinking?".

3. Praise hard work not intelligence. If you tell your child how smart she is when she gets the right answer, you may be setting her up to think she is no longer smart the next time she gets something wrong. Praise how much she is learning, her effort, and her determination and she will continue working hard even when the answer does not come so easily.

4. Don't bring up your past. If you struggled or excelled in a particular subject in school, it may be best to keep it to yourself. Sharing such information can cause unnecessary anxiety and wreak havoc on a student's self-confidence.

Homework time can be overwhelming for parents and students. Rest assured, there were many nights in my own home when I did not do so well following the above tips! We do the best we can as parents, and I hope that these tips come to mind in the moments of frustration you may encounter at the homework table.

1 comment:

  1. Great simple,concrete tips, especially the idea of not taking the pencil to "demonstrate." There are definitely times where I do need to demonstrate, but using a separate paper and pencil keeps the ownership of the homework with the child. Thanks for sharing.
